Oscar Health Plan of North Carolina, Inc health insurance plan with the Plan ID 69803NC0010052. The plan is called Silver Classic Standard.
Based on the AV Calculator by CMS.gov, the plan has an actuarial value of 70.01% (we converted the output of AV Calculator to percentage to compare with data provided by Issuer, it shows the percentage of total average costs for covered benefits that a plan will cover). So, on average, you would be responsible for 29.99% of the costs of all covered benefits (according to the AV Calculator by CMS.gov). More information about AV Calculator methodology.
Health Insurance Plan ID | 69803NC0010052 | ||||||||||||||||||
Health Insurance Plan Year | 2025 | ||||||||||||||||||
State | North Carolina | ||||||||||||||||||
Health Insurance Issuer | Oscar Health Plan of North Carolina, Inc | ||||||||||||||||||
Plan Formulary Description URL | Formulary URL | ||||||||||||||||||
Plan Marketing Materials URL | Marketing URL | ||||||||||||||||||
Health Insurance Plan Variant | 69803NC0010052-00 | ||||||||||||||||||
Provider Network(s) | PREFERRED | ||||||||||||||||||
In Network Doctors
*The data available in our database based on Health Insurance Company Open Data (update: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 06:22 GMT). |
Available Variants of the Health Plan | Standard Off Exchange Plan - 69803NC0010052-00 Standard On Exchange Plan - 69803NC0010052-01 Open to Indians below 300% FPL - 69803NC0010052-02 Open to Indians above 300% FPL - 69803NC0010052-03 73% AV Silver Plan - 69803NC0010052-04 |
Last Plan Update Date | Fri, 11 Oct 2024 00:00 GMT | ||||||||||||||||||
Last Import Date | Tue, 11 Feb 2025 06:22 GMT |
Benefit | Covered | In Network | Out Of Network |
Abortion for Which Public Funding is Prohibited
NO | ||
Accidental Dental
Exclusions: Excludes injury related to chewing or biting. |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
NO | ||
Allergy Testing
YES | $80.00 |
100.00% |
Bariatric Surgery
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Basic Dental Care - Adult
NO | ||
Basic Dental Care - Child
NO | ||
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Chiropractic Care
Limit: 30.0 Visit(s) per Benefit Period 30 visit limits for PT and OT combined (including chiropractic). |
YES | $80.00 |
100.00% |
Cosmetic Surgery
NO | ||
Delivery and All Inpatient Services for Maternity Care
See plan documents for separate professional services cost shares. |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Dental Check-Up for Children
NO | ||
Diabetes Education
YES | $0.00 |
100.00% |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Durable Medical Equipment
Exclusions: Appliances and accessories that serve no medical purpose or that are primarily for comfort or convenience; repair or replacement of equipment due to abuse or desire for new equipment Orthotic devices for correction of POSITIONAL PLAGIOCEPHALY are limited to 1 device per lifetime. |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Emergency Room Services
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
Emergency Transportation/Ambulance
Exclusions: Excludes services provided primarily for the convenience of travel, transportation to or from a doctor's office or dialysis center, transportation for the purpose of receiving services that are not considered Covered Services |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
Eye Glasses for Children
Limit: 1.0 Item(s) per Benefit Period |
YES | 50.00% |
100.00% |
Gender Affirming Care
NO | ||
Generic Drugs
Exclusions: Excludes injections by a health care professional of injectable which can be self-administered, unless medical supervision is required; drugs associated with conception by artificial means; experimental drugs as outlined in document |
YES | $20.00 |
100.00% |
Habilitation Services
Limit: 30.0 Visit(s) per Benefit Period Exclusions: Cognitive Therapy. Group classes for pulmonary rehabilitation. Combined 30 visit limit for occupational and physical therapies and chiropractic services. |
YES | $40.00 |
100.00% |
Hearing Aids
Limit: 1.0 Item(s) per 3 Years One hearing aid per hearing impaired ear, and replacement hearing aids, once every 36 months. |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Home Health Care Services
Exclusions: Excludes homemaker services, such as cooking and housekeeping; Dietitian services or meals; Services that are provided by a close relative or a member of the household. |
YES | $80.00 |
100.00% |
Hospice Services
Exclusions: Excludes homemaker services, such as cooking, housekeeping, and food or meal preparation. Benefits for Hospice services for care of a terminally ill Member with a life expectancy of six months or less. |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Imaging (CT/PET Scans, MRIs)
Exclusions: Lab tests that are not ordered by Doctor of Other Provider. |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Infertility Treatment
Limit: 3.0 Treatment(s) per Lifetime |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Infusion Therapy
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Inpatient Hospital Services (e.g., Hospital Stay)
Exclusions: Admissions primarily for the purpose of receiving diagnostic services or a physical examination; admissions primarily for the purpose of receiving therapy services, except when the admission is a continuation of treatment following care at an inpatient facility for an illness or accident requiring therap |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Inpatient Physician and Surgical Services
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Laboratory Outpatient and Professional Services
Exclusions: Lab tests that are not ordered by a Doctor or Other Provider. |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Long-Term/Custodial Nursing Home Care
NO | ||
Major Dental Care - Adult
NO | ||
Major Dental Care - Child
NO | ||
Mental/Behavioral Health Inpatient Services
Exclusions: Excludes, "Inpatient confinements that are primarily intended as a change of environment"; Counseling with relatives of a patient |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Mental/Behavioral Health Outpatient Services
Exclusions: Excludes counseling with relatives about a patient The cost sharing that displays applies to outpatient office visits only. All other outpatient services, such as Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Program, may be subject to additional cost sharing. Please refer to the plan policy documents for detailed information. |
YES | $40.00 |
100.00% |
Non-Preferred Brand Drugs
Exclusions: Excludes injections by a health care professional of injectable which can be self-administered, unless medical supervision is required; drugs associated with conception by artificial means; experimental drugs as outlined in document |
YES | $80.00 Copay after deductible |
100.00% |
Nutritional Counseling
Nutritional counseling visits are separate from the obesity-related office visits |
YES | $40.00 |
100.00% |
Orthodontia - Adult
NO | ||
Orthodontia - Child
NO | ||
Other Practitioner Office Visit (Nurse, Physician Assistant)
YES | $40.00 |
100.00% |
Outpatient Facility Fee (e.g., Ambulatory Surgery Center)
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Outpatient Rehabilitation Services
Limit: 30.0 Visit(s) per Benefit Period Exclusions: Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy; Cognitive therapy; Speech therapy for stammering or stuttering; Group classes for pulmonary rehabilitation; music therapy, remedial reading, recreational or activity therapy, all forms or special education and supplies or equipment used similarly; maintenance therapy; massage therapy. Combined 30 visit limit for occupational and physical therapies and chiropractic services. |
YES | $40.00 |
100.00% |
Outpatient Surgery Physician/Surgical Services
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Preferred Brand Drugs
Exclusions: Excludes injections by a health care professional of injectable which can be self-administered, unless medical supervision is required; drugs associated with conception by artificial means; experimental drugs as outlined in document |
YES | $40.00 |
100.00% |
Prenatal and Postnatal Care
YES | 0.00% |
100.00% |
Preventive Care/Screening/Immunization
YES | 0.00% |
100.00% |
Primary Care Visit to Treat an Injury or Illness
Cost share applies to both in-person and telemedicine services. |
YES | $40.00 |
100.00% |
Private-Duty Nursing
Exclusions: Excludes services provided by a close relative or a member of the household |
YES | $80.00 |
100.00% |
Prosthetic Devices
Exclusions: Dental appliances except when medically necessary for the treatment of temporomandibular joint disease or obstructive sleep apnea; cosmetic improvements, such as implants of hair follicles and skin tone enhancements; lenses for keratoconus or any other eye procedure except as specifically covered under the health plan. Prosthetic appliance must replace all or part of a body part or its function. Therapeutic contact lenses may be covered when used as a corneal bandage for a medical condition; benefits include a one-time replacement of eyeglass or contact lenses due to a prescription change following cataract surgery. |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Reconstructive Surgery
Benefits include coverage for congenital defects of newborn, adopted, and foster children; reconstruction following a mastectomy. |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Rehabilitative Occupational and Rehabilitative Physical Therapy
Limit: 30.0 Visit(s) per Benefit Period Combined 30 visit limit for occupational and physical therapies and chiropractic services |
YES | $40.00 |
100.00% |
Rehabilitative Speech Therapy
Limit: 30.0 Visit(s) per Benefit Period |
YES | $40.00 |
100.00% |
Routine Dental Services (Adult)
NO | ||
Routine Eye Exam (Adult)
NO | ||
Routine Eye Exam for Children
Limit: 1.0 Exam(s) per Benefit Period |
YES | $0.00 |
100.00% |
Routine Foot Care
NO | ||
Skilled Nursing Facility
Limit: 60.0 Days per Benefit Period |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Specialist Visit
Cost share applies to both in-person and telemedicine services. |
YES | $80.00 |
100.00% |
Specialty Drugs
Exclusions: Excludes injections by a health care professional of injectable which can be self-administered, unless medical supervision is required; drugs associated with conception by artificial means; experimental drugs as outlined in document |
YES | $350.00 Copay after deductible |
100.00% |
Substance Abuse Disorder Inpatient Services
Exclusions: Excludes, "Inpatient confinements that are primarily intended as a change of environment"; Counseling with relatives of a patient |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Substance Abuse Disorder Outpatient Services
Exclusions: Excludes counseling with relatives about a patient The cost sharing that displays applies to outpatient office visits only. All other outpatient services, such as Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Program, may be subject to additional cost sharing. Please refer to the plan policy documents for detailed information. |
YES | $40.00 |
100.00% |
Exclusions: The purchase price of organs or tissue if any organ or tissue is sold rather than donated to the recipient member; the procurement of organs, tissue, bone marrow, or peripheral blood stem cells or any other donor services if a recipient is not a member; transplants, including high dose chemotherapy, considered experimental or investigational; services for or related to the transplantation of animal or artificial organ or tissues. Benefits are provided for reasonable and necessary services related to the search for a donor up to a maximum of $10,000 per transplant; Both the recipient and the donor are entitled to benefits of this coverage when the recipient is a MEMBER. Benefits provided to the donor will be charged against the recipient's coverage |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Treatment for Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
Exclusions: Excludes Treatment for periodontal disease; Dental implants or root canals; Crowns and bridges; Orthodontic brace; Occlusal (bite) adjustments; Extractions. Therapeutic benefits for TMJ disease include splinting and use of intra-oral PROSTHETIC APPLIANCES to reposition the bones. Surgical benefits for TMJ disease are limited to SURGERY performed on the temporomandibular joint. If TMJ is caused by malocclusion, benefits are provided for surgical correction of malocclusion when surgical management of the TMJ is MEDICALLY NECESSARY. |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Urgent Care Centers or Facilities
Virtual urgent care services provided by Oscar-designated virtual care providers are covered in full. |
YES | $60.00 |
100.00% |
Weight Loss Programs
NO | ||
Well Baby Visits and Care
YES | 0.00% |
100.00% |
X-rays and Diagnostic Imaging
Exclusions: Lab tests that are not ordered by a Doctor or Other Provider. |
YES | 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible |
100.00% |
Plan Attribute | Value |
AV Calculator Output Number | 0.7001186159724491 |
Begin Primary Care Cost-Sharing After Number Of Visits | 0 |
Begin Primary Care Deductible Coinsurance After Number Of Copays | 0 |
Business Year | 2025 |
Child-Only Offering | Allows Adult and Child-Only |
Composite Rating Offered | No |
CSR Variation Type | Standard Silver Off Exchange Plan |
Dental Only Plan | No |
Design Type | Design 1 |
Disease Management Programs Offered | Asthma, Heart Disease, Depression, Diabetes, Pregnancy |
EHB Percent of Total Premium | 1.0 |
First Tier Utilization | 100% |
Formulary ID | NCF004 |
Formulary URL | URL |
HIOS Product ID | 69803NC001 |
Import Date | 2024-10-11 01:02:00 |
Limited Cost Sharing Plan Variation - Estimated Advanced Payment | $0.00 |
Inpatient Copayment Maximum Days | 0 |
HSA Eligible | No |
New/Existing Plan | Existing |
Notice Required for Pregnancy | No |
Is a Referral Required for Specialist? | No |
Issuer ID | 69803 |
Issuer Marketplace Marketing Name | Oscar Health Plan of North Carolina, Inc |
Market Coverage | Individual |
Medical Drug Deductibles Integrated | Yes |
Medical Drug Maximum Out of Pocket Integrated | Yes |
Metal Level | Silver |
Multiple In Network Tiers | No |
National Network | No |
Network ID | NCN001 |
Out of Country Coverage | Yes |
Out of Country Coverage Description | Emergency Services Only |
Out of Service Area Coverage | Yes |
Out of Service Area Coverage Description | Emergency and Urgent Services Only |
Plan Brochure | URL |
Plan Effective Date | 2025-01-01 |
Plan Expiration Date | 2025-12-31 |
Plan ID (Standard Component ID with Variant) | 69803NC0010052-00 |
Plan Marketing Name | Silver Classic Standard |
Plan Type | HMO |
Plan Variant Marketing Name | Silver Classic Standard |
QHP/Non QHP | Both |
SBC Scenario, Having a Baby, Coinsurance | $2,500 |
SBC Scenario, Having a Baby, Copayment | $20 |
SBC Scenario, Having a Baby, Deductible | $5,000 |
SBC Scenario, Having a Baby, Limit | $0 |
SBC Scenario, Having Diabetes, Coinsurance | $0 |
SBC Scenario, Having Diabetes, Copayment | $1,400 |
SBC Scenario, Having Diabetes, Deductible | $100 |
SBC Scenario, Having Diabetes, Limit | $0 |
SBC Scenario, Treatment of a Simple Fracture, Coinsurance | $0 |
SBC Scenario, Treatment of a Simple Fracture, Copayment | $300 |
SBC Scenario, Treatment of a Simple Fracture, Deductible | $2,200 |
SBC Scenario, Treatment of a Simple Fracture, Limit | $0 |
Service Area ID | NCS001 |
Source Name | HIOS |
Plan ID | 69803NC0010052 |
State Code | NC |
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), Combined In/Out Network, Family Per Group | per group not applicable |
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), Combined In/Out Network, Family Per Person | per person not applicable |
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), Combined In/Out Network, Individual | Not Applicable |
Combined Medical and Drug EHB Deductible, Combined In/Out of Network, Family Per Group | per group not applicable |
Combined Medical and Drug EHB Deductible, Combined In/Out of Network, Family Per Person | per person not applicable |
Combined Medical and Drug EHB Deductible, Combined In/Out of Network, Individual | Not Applicable |
Combined Medical and Drug EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 1), Default Coinsurance | 40.00% |
Combined Medical and Drug EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 1), Family Per Group | $10000 per group |
Combined Medical and Drug EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 1), Family Per Person | $5000 per person |
Combined Medical and Drug EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 1), Individual | $5,000 |
Combined Medical and Drug EHB Deductible, Out of Network, Family Per Group | per group not applicable |
Combined Medical and Drug EHB Deductible, Out of Network, Family Per Person | per person not applicable |
Combined Medical and Drug EHB Deductible, Out of Network, Individual | Not Applicable |
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), In Network (Tier 1), Family Per Group | $16000 per group |
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), In Network (Tier 1), Family Per Person | $8000 per person |
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), In Network (Tier 1), Individual | $8,000 |
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), Out of Network, Family Per Group | per group not applicable |
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), Out of Network, Family Per Person | per person not applicable |
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), Out of Network, Individual | Not Applicable |
Unique Plan Design | No |
URL for Enrollment Payment | URL |
URL for Summary of Benefits & Coverage | URL |
Wellness Program Offered | No |
Drug Tier | Pharmacy Type | Copay amount | Copay option | Coinsurance rate | Coinsurance option | Mail Order |
Unfortunately, this health insurance plan does not support mail ordering or the plan data in not available.
Disclaimer: This is based on the import(Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 06:22 GMT) of the data from Healthcare Issuers listed by CMS. While we make every effort to ensure that data is accurate, you should assume all results are unvalidated. Source: CMS.gov, HealthPorta HEALTHCARE MRF API