Bronze Elite + PCP Saver - 43490KS0010005 Health Insurance Plan

Oscar Insurance Company health insurance plan with the Plan ID 43490KS0010005. The plan is called Bronze Elite + PCP Saver.

Based on the AV Calculator by, the plan has an actuarial value of 64.63% (we converted the output of AV Calculator to percentage to compare with data provided by Issuer, it shows the percentage of total average costs for covered benefits that a plan will cover). So, on average, you would be responsible for 35.37% of the costs of all covered benefits (according to the AV Calculator by More information about AV Calculator methodology.

Health Insurance Plan ID 43490KS0010005
Health Insurance Plan Year 2025
State Kansas
Health Insurance Issuer Oscar Insurance Company
Plan Formulary Description URL Formulary URL
Plan Marketing Materials URL Marketing URL
Health Insurance Plan Variant 43490KS0010005-00
Provider Network(s) PREFERRED
In Network Doctors

*The data available in our database based on Health Insurance Company Open Data (update: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 06:22 GMT).

Providers Kansas All US States
All 6167 76232
PCP 596 1562
Allergy 2 5
OB/GYN 25 54
Dentists 2 17
Available Variants of the Health Plan

Standard Off Exchange Plan - 43490KS0010005-00

Standard On Exchange Plan - 43490KS0010005-01

Open to Indians below 300% FPL - 43490KS0010005-02

Open to Indians above 300% FPL - 43490KS0010005-03

Last Plan Update Date Thu, 10 Oct 2024 00:00 GMT
Last Import Date Tue, 11 Feb 2025 06:22 GMT

Benefits of Bronze Elite + PCP Saver Health Insurance Plan, 43490KS0010005-00

Benefit Covered In Network Out Of Network
Abortion for Which Public Funding is Prohibited
Accidental Dental

Oral Surgical Services and Services for Accidental Injuries to Sound Natural Teeth, limited to: (1) Surgical procedures of the jaw and gums. (2) Removal of tumors and cysts of the jaws, cheeks, lips, tongue, roof and floor of the mouth. (3) Removal of exostoses (bony growths) of the jaw and hard palate. (4) Treatment of fractures and dislocations of the jaw and facial bones. (5) Surgical removal of impacted teeth. (6) Treatment of Sound Natural Teeth caused by an Accidental Injury. This includes replacement of Sound Natural Teeth lost due to the Accidental Injury. (7) Intra oral dental imaging services in connection with covered oral surgery if treatment begins within 30 days. (8) General anesthesia for covered oral surgery. (9) Cylindrical endosseous dental implants, mandibular staple implants, subperiosteal implants and the associated fixed and/or removable prosthetic appliance when provided because of an Accidental Injury. (10) Cylindrical endosseous dental implants, mandibular staple implants, subperiosteal implants and the associated fixed and/or removable prosthetic appliances following surgical resection of either benign or malignant lesions (NOT including inflammatory lesions).



Allergy Testing

Allergy testing and treatment.



Bariatric Surgery
Basic Dental Care - Adult
Basic Dental Care - Child


Chiropractic Care


Cosmetic Surgery
Delivery and All Inpatient Services for Maternity Care

The per day copayment will apply for a maximum of two (2) days. Also covers surrogate mother if there is a petition to adopt within 90 days of birth. See plan documents for separate professional services cost shares.



Dental Check-Up for Children
Diabetes Education

Outpatient self-management training and education, including medical nutrition therapy, for insulin dependent diabetes, insulin-using diabetes, gestational diabetes and noninsulin using diabetes when provided by a certified, registered or licensed health care professional with expertise in diabetes and the diabetic (1) is treated at a program approved by the American Diabetes Association; (2) is treated by a person certified by the national certification board of diabetes educators; or (3) is, as to nutritional education, treated by a licensed dietitian pursuant to a treatment plan authorized by such healthcare professional.




Plan cover Hemodialysis.



Durable Medical Equipment

Exclusions: Items for comfort or convenience are not covered. Included within the definition of convenience items are: (a) Pieces of equipment used to provide exercise to functioning and non-functioning portions of the body when leased, purchased, or rented for use outside a recognized institutional facility. (b) Those pieces of equipment designed to provide the walking capability for individuals with nonfunctioning leg

Benefits are limited to the amount normally available for a basic (standard) item which allows necessary function. Basic (standard) medical equipment is equipment that provides the essential function required for the treatment or amelioration of the medical condition at a Medically Necessary level. Charges for deluxe or electrically operated medical equipment are not covered, beyond the extent allowed for basic (standard) items. Deluxe describes medical equipment that has enhancements that allow for additional convenience or use beyond that provided by basic (standard) equipment.



Emergency Room Services


Emergency Transportation/Ambulance

Emergency transportation/ambulance within 500 mile radius.



Eye Glasses for Children

Three (3) prescribed lenses and frames per Benefit Period. Contact lenses covered in lieu of glasses.



Gender Affirming Care
Generic Drugs

Tier 1: $3.00

Tier 2: $30.00

Habilitation Services

Supplementing with the federal definition of habilitative services: Health care services that help a person keep, learn, or improve skills and functioning for daily living. Examples include therapy for a child who is not walking or talking at the expected age. These services may include physical and occupational therapy, speech-language pathology and other services for people with disabilities in a variety of inpatient and/or outpatient settings.



Hearing Aids
Home Health Care Services

Exclusions: Excludes services provided by a member of the Insured's immediate family; Provided by a person who normally lives in the Insured's home; or Which are Custodial/Maintenance care. The Company has the right to determine which services are Custodial/Maintenance care.

Includes educational visits with a limit of three per year on educational visits.



Hospice Services

Exclusions: Blood



Imaging (CT/PET Scans, MRIs)

Exclusions: Diagnostic tests and evaluations are ordered, requested or performed solely for the purpose of resolving issues in the context of legal proceedings, including those concerning custody, visitation, termination of parental rights, civil damages or criminal actions.



Infertility Treatment

Exclusions: Excludes In vitro fertilization, in vivo fertilization or any other medically-aided insemination procedure.

Plan covers Diagnosis and treatment of cause of infertility. Benefits are available for covered services such as office visits, laboratory tests, and radiological studies to diagnose the cause of infertility. Benefits are also provided for the necessary treatment of the condition unless the treatment is identified as non-covered (see exclusions). For example, corrective surgical procedures, therapeutic injections, and drug therapy regimens (Pregnyl, Clomid, Clomiphene, Ovidrel, Gonal, Follistim and Cetrotide) are all covered services when medically necessary. Benefits are also available for tests, such as ultrasound, performed to monitor the effectiveness of the fertility drug therapy. Also for any necessary pregnancy testing performed as an integral part of the overall infertility treatment program. Benefits are excluded, however, for any procedures, tests, or other services that are exclusively provided to monitor the effectiveness of non-covered fertilization procedures.



Infusion Therapy


Inpatient Hospital Services (e.g., Hospital Stay)

Exclusions: Blood

The per day copayment will apply for a maximum of two (2) days.


$3,000.00 Copay per Day

Inpatient Physician and Surgical Services


Laboratory Outpatient and Professional Services

Exclusions: Diagnostic tests and evaluations are ordered, requested or performed solely for the purpose of resolving issues in the context of legal proceedings, including those concerning custody, visitation, termination of parental rights, civil damages or criminal actions.



Long-Term/Custodial Nursing Home Care
Major Dental Care - Adult
Major Dental Care - Child
Mental/Behavioral Health Inpatient Services

The per day copayment will apply for a maximum of two (2) days.


$3,000.00 Copay per Day

Mental/Behavioral Health Outpatient Services

The cost sharing that displays applies to outpatient office visits only. All other outpatient services, such as Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Program, may be subject to additional cost sharing. Please refer to the plan policy documents for detailed information.



Non-Preferred Brand Drugs

50.00% Coinsurance after deductible

Nutritional Counseling
Orthodontia - Adult
Orthodontia - Child
Other Practitioner Office Visit (Nurse, Physician Assistant)

Professional Providers include Physician Assistants. Registered Nurses qualify as Eligible Providers.



Outpatient Facility Fee (e.g., Ambulatory Surgery Center)


Outpatient Rehabilitation Services

Limit: 90.0 Days per Benefit Period

Exclusions: Excludes vocational rehabilitation; Cognitive therapy; social rehabilitation.

These therapies include but are not limited to PT, OT, and ST. Further, '(Rehab) services are covered only if they are expected to result in significant improvement in the Insured's condition. The Company, with appropriate medical consultation, will determine whether significant improvement has occurred'. 'Speech Therapy', limited to one service per day up to a maximum benefit of 90 daily services per Insured per Benefit Period. This limitation is not applicable to Mental Illness or Substance Use Disorders.



Outpatient Surgery Physician/Surgical Services


Preferred Brand Drugs

$100.00 Copay after deductible

Prenatal and Postnatal Care

Also covers surrogate mother if there is a petition to adopt within 90 days of birth.



Preventive Care/Screening/Immunization


Primary Care Visit to Treat an Injury or Illness

Cost share applies to both in-person and telemedicine services.



Private-Duty Nursing

Exclusions: Excludes services provided by a member of the Insured's immediate family; Provided by a person who normally lives in the Insured's home; or Which are Custodial/Maintenance care. The Company has the right to determine which services are Custodial/Maintenance care.



Prosthetic Devices

Exclusions: (1) Benefits are not provided for eyeglasses and contact lenses. Exception: Benefits are available for the initial eyeglasses/contacts following surgery for cataracts, aphakia, or pseudophakia, or an Insured under 12 years of age is eligible for subsequent eyeglasses/contacts following cataract surgery when there is a minimum change of .25 diopter. (2) Benefits are not provided for hearing aids, hair prosthesis or dental appliances including plates, bridges, prostheses or braces. (3) Benefits are not provided for items of wearing apparel except coverage is available for two postmastectomy bras per Insured per Benefit Period. A post-mastectomy bra is a bra that is specifically designed and intended to support single or bilateral breast prostheses. (4) Benefits are limited to the allowable amount for a basic/standard appliance which provides the essential function(s) required for the treatment or amelioration of the medical condition. (5) Charges for deluxe or electrically operated appliances or devices are not covered beyond the allowable amount for basic/standard appliances. Deluxe describes medical devices or appliances that have enhancements that allow for additional convenience or use beyond that provided by a basic/standard device or appliance. (6) Benefits are not provided for custom or over-the-counter orthotic devices, appliances including shoe inserts.

Benefits are limited to the amount normally available for a basic (standard) appliance which allows necessary function. Basic (standard) medical devices or appliances are those that provide the essential function required for the treatment or amelioration of the medical condition at a Medically Necessary level.





Reconstructive Surgery

Cosmetic and reconstructive are generally excluded, but excepted from this exclusion are: a. Cosmetic or reconstructive repair of an Accidental Injury.; b. Reconstructive breast surgery in connection with a Medically Necessary mastectomy that resulted from a medical illness or injury. This includes reconstructive surgery on a breast on which a mastectomy was not performed in order to produce a symmetrical appearance.; c. Repair of congenital abnormalities and hereditary complications or conditions, limited to: (1) Cleft lip or palate. (2) Birthmarks on head or neck. (3) Webbed fingers or toes. (4) Supernumerary fingers or toes.; d. Reconstructive services performed on structures of the body to improve/restore impairments of bodily function resulting from disease, trauma, congenital or developmental anomalies or previous therapeutic processes. For purposes of this provision, the term 'cosmetic' means procedures and related services performed to reshape structures of the body in order to alter the individual's appearance.



Rehabilitative Occupational and Rehabilitative Physical Therapy

Exclusions: Materials used for occupational therapy are excluded.



Rehabilitative Speech Therapy

Limit: 90.0 Days per Benefit Period

Limited to one service per day up to a maximum benefit of 90 daily services per Insured per Benefit Period. This limitation is not applicable to Mental Illness or Substance Use Disorders.



Routine Dental Services (Adult)
Routine Eye Exam (Adult)
Routine Eye Exam for Children

One (1) refraction visit per Benefit Period. Limit does not apply to all other medically necessary eye exams;



Routine Foot Care

Covered when systemic conditions such as metabolic, neurologic, or peripheral vascular disease exists and results in medically significant circulatory deficits or decreased sensation to the foot.



Skilled Nursing Facility
Specialist Visit

Cost share applies to both in-person and telemedicine services.



Specialty Drugs

Exclusions: Coverage for Specialty Prescription Drugs will be limited to a supply sufficient for 34 consecutive days of therapy.


50.00% Coinsurance after deductible

Substance Abuse Disorder Inpatient Services

The per day copayment will apply for a maximum of two (2) days.


$3,000.00 Copay per Day

Substance Abuse Disorder Outpatient Services

The cost sharing that displays applies to outpatient office visits only. All other outpatient services, such as Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Program, may be subject to additional cost sharing. Please refer to the plan policy documents for detailed information.




Exclusions: There is no coverage hereunder for any transplant not specifically listed as covered or for supplies or services provided directly for or relative to human organ transplants not specifically listed as covered.

Benefits are provided for the following human organ transplants: Cornea; heart; heart-lung; kidney; pancreas; liver; lung (whole or lobar, single or double); small intestine; and multivisceral transplants.



Treatment for Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

Exclusions: Phase II irreversible treatment; equilibration of occlusion, coronoplasty, occlusal adjustment; slides and/or photographs; non-prescription drugs, vitamins, nutrition supplements; stretching and other exercises; coolant sprays; moist heat therapy; hot packs; massage, either manual or by machine; acupuncture; cold packs; range of motion treatments; diet survey; nutrition counseling; rental or purchase of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators; office visits; periapical, bitewing and full-mouth radiographs; orthodontic treatment, including both fixed and removable appliances used for the purpose of moving teeth.



Urgent Care Centers or Facilities

Virtual urgent care services provided by Oscar-designated virtual care providers are covered in full.



Weight Loss Programs
Well Baby Visits and Care


X-rays and Diagnostic Imaging

Exclusions: Diagnostic tests and evaluations are ordered, requested or performed solely for the purpose of resolving issues in the context of legal proceedings, including those concerning custody, visitation, termination of parental rights, civil damages or criminal actions.




Bronze Elite + PCP Saver Health Insurance Plan Variant 43490KS0010005-00 Attributes

Plan Attribute Value
AV Calculator Output Number 0.646347341332511
Begin Primary Care Cost-Sharing After Number Of Visits 0
Begin Primary Care Deductible Coinsurance After Number Of Copays 0
Business Year 2025
Child-Only Offering Allows Adult and Child-Only
Composite Rating Offered No
CSR Variation Type Standard Bronze Off Exchange Plan
Drug EHB Deductible, Combined In/Out of Network, Family Per Group per group not applicable
Drug EHB Deductible, Combined In/Out of Network, Family Per Person per person not applicable
Drug EHB Deductible, Combined In/Out of Network, Individual Not Applicable
Drug EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 1), Default Coinsurance 50.00%
Drug EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 1), Family Per Group $13000 per group
Drug EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 1), Family Per Person $6500 per person
Drug EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 1), Individual $6,500
Drug EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 2), Default Coinsurance 50.00%
Drug EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 2), Family Per Group $13000 per group
Drug EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 2), Family Per Person $6500 per person
Drug EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 2), Individual $6,500
Drug EHB Deductible, Out of Network, Family Per Group per group not applicable
Drug EHB Deductible, Out of Network, Family Per Person per person not applicable
Drug EHB Deductible, Out of Network, Individual Not Applicable
Dental Only Plan No
Design Type Not Applicable
Disease Management Programs Offered Asthma, Heart Disease, Depression, Pregnancy
EHB Percent of Total Premium 1.0
First Tier Utilization 44%
Formulary ID KSF001
Formulary URL URL
HIOS Product ID 43490KS001
Import Date 2024-10-10 20:01:47
Limited Cost Sharing Plan Variation - Estimated Advanced Payment $0.00
Inpatient Copayment Maximum Days 2
HSA Eligible No
New/Existing Plan Existing
Notice Required for Pregnancy No
Is a Referral Required for Specialist? No
Issuer ID 43490
Issuer Marketplace Marketing Name Oscar Insurance Company
Market Coverage Individual
Medical Drug Deductibles Integrated No
Medical Drug Maximum Out of Pocket Integrated Yes
Medical EHB Deductible, Combined In/Out of Network, Family Per Group per group not applicable
Medical EHB Deductible, Combined In/Out of Network, Family Per Person per person not applicable
Medical EHB Deductible, Combined In/Out of Network, Individual Not Applicable
Medical EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 1), Default Coinsurance 50.00%
Medical EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 1), Family Per Group $0 per group
Medical EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 1), Family Per Person $0 per person
Medical EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 1), Individual $0
Medical EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 2), Default Coinsurance 50.00%
Medical EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 2), Family Per Group $0 per group
Medical EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 2), Family Per Person $0 per person
Medical EHB Deductible, In Network (Tier 2), Individual $0
Medical EHB Deductible, Out of Network, Family Per Group per group not applicable
Medical EHB Deductible, Out of Network, Family Per Person per person not applicable
Medical EHB Deductible, Out of Network, Individual Not Applicable
Metal Level Expanded Bronze
Multiple In Network Tiers Yes
National Network No
Network ID KSN001
Out of Country Coverage Yes
Out of Country Coverage Description Emergency Services Only
Out of Service Area Coverage Yes
Out of Service Area Coverage Description Emergency and Urgent Services Only
Plan Brochure URL
Plan Effective Date 2025-01-01
Plan Expiration Date 2025-12-31
Plan ID (Standard Component ID with Variant) 43490KS0010005-00
Plan Marketing Name Bronze Elite + PCP Saver
Plan Type EPO
Plan Variant Marketing Name Bronze Elite + PCP Saver
QHP/Non QHP Both
SBC Scenario, Having a Baby, Coinsurance $0
SBC Scenario, Having a Baby, Copayment $4,100
SBC Scenario, Having a Baby, Deductible $0
SBC Scenario, Having a Baby, Limit $0
SBC Scenario, Having Diabetes, Coinsurance $0
SBC Scenario, Having Diabetes, Copayment $600
SBC Scenario, Having Diabetes, Deductible $4,200
SBC Scenario, Having Diabetes, Limit $0
SBC Scenario, Treatment of a Simple Fracture, Coinsurance $100
SBC Scenario, Treatment of a Simple Fracture, Copayment $2,100
SBC Scenario, Treatment of a Simple Fracture, Deductible $0
SBC Scenario, Treatment of a Simple Fracture, Limit $0
Second Tier Utilization 56%
Service Area ID KSS001
Source Name SERFF
Plan ID 43490KS0010005
State Code KS
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), Combined In/Out Network, Family Per Group per group not applicable
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), Combined In/Out Network, Family Per Person per person not applicable
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), Combined In/Out Network, Individual Not Applicable
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), In Network (Tier 1), Family Per Group $18400 per group
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), In Network (Tier 1), Family Per Person $9200 per person
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), In Network (Tier 1), Individual $9,200
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), In Network (Tier 2), Family Per Group $18400 per group
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), In Network (Tier 2), Family Per Person $9200 per person
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), In Network (Tier 2), Individual $9,200
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), Out of Network, Family Per Group per group not applicable
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), Out of Network, Family Per Person per person not applicable
Maximum Out of Pocket for Medical and Drug EHB Benefits (Total), Out of Network, Individual Not Applicable
Unique Plan Design No
URL for Enrollment Payment URL
URL for Summary of Benefits & Coverage URL
Wellness Program Offered No

Copay & Coinsurance of Bronze Elite + PCP Saver Health Insurance Plan, 43490KS0010005

Drug Tier Pharmacy Type Copay amount Copay option Coinsurance rate Coinsurance option Mail Order

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Bronze Elite + PCP Saver, 43490KS0010005 Health Insurance Plan, 43490KS0010005

  • Does Bronze Elite + PCP Saver Health Insurance Plan, 43490KS0010005 support Mail Ordering?

    Unfortunately, this health insurance plan does not support mail ordering or the plan data in not available.

  • Does (43490KS0010005) Health Insurance Plan, Variant (43490KS0010005-00) offer Disease Management Programs?

    Yes, and here is the list of available programs: Asthma, Heart Disease, Depression, Pregnancy

    Does (43490KS0010005) Health Insurance Plan, Variant (43490KS0010005-00) have Out Of Country Coverage?

    Yes. Details: Emergency Services Only

    Does (43490KS0010005) Health Insurance Plan, Variant (43490KS0010005-00) have Out of Service Area Coverage?

    Yes. Details: Emergency and Urgent Services Only

    Does (43490KS0010005) Health Insurance Plan, Variant (43490KS0010005-00) offer Disease Management Programs?

    Yes, and here is the list of available programs: Asthma, Heart Disease, Depression, Pregnancy

    Does Bronze Elite + PCP Saver Health Insurance Plan, Variant (43490KS0010005-00) offer Disease Management Programs for Asthma?

    Yes, the Bronze Elite + PCP Saver Health Insurance Plan Variant 43490KS0010005-00 offers Disease Management Program for Asthma.

    Does Bronze Elite + PCP Saver Health Insurance Plan, Variant (43490KS0010005-00) offer Disease Management Programs for Heart disease?

    Yes, the Bronze Elite + PCP Saver Health Insurance Plan Variant 43490KS0010005-00 offers Disease Management Program for Heart disease.

    Does Bronze Elite + PCP Saver Health Insurance Plan, Variant (43490KS0010005-00) offer Disease Management Programs for Depression?

    Yes, the Bronze Elite + PCP Saver Health Insurance Plan Variant 43490KS0010005-00 offers Disease Management Program for Depression.

    Does Bronze Elite + PCP Saver Health Insurance Plan, Variant (43490KS0010005-00) offer Disease Management Programs for Pregnancy?

    Yes, the Bronze Elite + PCP Saver Health Insurance Plan Variant 43490KS0010005-00 offers Disease Management Program for Pregnancy.


Disclaimer: This is based on the import(Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 06:22 GMT) of the data from Healthcare Issuers listed by CMS. While we make every effort to ensure that data is accurate, you should assume all results are unvalidated. Source:, HealthPorta HEALTHCARE MRF API